Golf cart batteries may appear to be the same as car batteries, but there are many points where they diverge. You should always find a battery specifically made for a golf cart. You will see the best results and performance. Understanding how to pick a battery and maintain it properly is essential if you own a golf cart. In this guide, Richmond Equipment will show you how to pick out a golf cart battery. After you’re done reading, visit us in Richmond, TX, to browse our selection. 

Battery Voltage

Different golf cart models require specific battery voltages. You should pay attention to the specifications of your cart to avoid choosing an improper battery. For example, many golf carts run on a 48V or 36V standard, which means that you will probably need a precise combination of 6V, 8V, and 12V batteries. Some golf carts are designed to work with only 6V batteries. Do not change out the batteries with a different voltage, or you can damage your golf cart. 

Typical Cost

The average price range for a golf cart battery is between $800 and $1500. Other costs may factor into this equation, too. For example, a more expensive type of battery could cost you even more than $2000. If you know how to install a golf cart battery on your own, that will save you money. 

Avoid buying a discount golf cart battery. You may realize later on that it does not provide the same level of power as it should. 

Charging Golf Cart Batteries

A charger for a golf cart battery will match the voltage of the golf cart battery. Many people do not have issues maintaining the charge on their batteries, thanks to their intuitive design. You will need to make sure you never run a battery until it dies. Charging a dead battery puts strain on the battery and can impact its performance. 

Battery Maintenance

Maintaining a golf cart battery is essential to keeping your vehicle running smoothly. You can clean this type of battery with a bristle brush and mild soap solution. While servicing a golf cart battery, you should also pay attention to the wiring. Frayed wiring can lessen the lifespan of your battery. To avoid problems with your golf cart battery, make sure to run it even in the offseason. A well-maintained battery can provide your golf cart power for up to 6 years. 

Ready to shop or learn more about golf cart batteries? Our experts are standing by to help, so give us a call or visit us today! We welcome shoppers from Houston and Rosenberg, TX.